
About OWL

Are you prepared if a loved one goes missing?
Owl - Once Was Lost can help you during the unwanted and unexpected event a loved one is missing or lost.

OWL is a World Wide, Real Time phone application for iOS and Android platforms.

Users enter descriptive details of dependents, upload a recent photo to the app and save those details. In the unwanted event a user has one of their dependents go missing, become lost or runaway for example. Just recall those saved details in the app, update the details of your current location, time and "initiate alert". All users logged into the app will receive your missing persons alert and all user location's will be viewable on the user


map. Chats and coordination of efforts between the "initiator" and "users" can assist it's people to recover those missing people faster than current antiquated processes.

Before leaving your house on a trip anywhere; the mall, a sporting event, an amusement park or the airport. Any large area people can be separated. Take the time for that current photo opportunity, save it in the app with those descriptions, and in the worse case scenario you lose a loved one. Initiate your alert and find your lost ones.

The success of OWL is dependent on its user base. Join us today and support this movement.

Apps Features

Easy Manage Accounts

Simply Edit your profile after your registration is complete, located in the dashboard of the app.

Recent Chats

Chat and email with other users. Communicate and coordinate searches and share information on your missing persons.

Missing Children And People

This dashboard function shows all missing children/people alerts and contact for the intiator of the alert.

Saved Details/ Add Child/Person Info

Enter your dependents descriptive details and upload a photo. When the unwanted event arises your loved ones are missing, simply complete the relevant data and initiate your alert. Social media integrations are at the bottom of the dashboard. Watch for important info and updates. And share your thoughts and stories.

Quick Find Neighbours

View other users in real time in your area on the user map. Utilize the people around you to help search for your lost ones.

View Notifications

Missing children and people alerts are show in the notifications tab of the dashboard.

Found Missing Children And People

View children and people who have been found by there concerned relatives.

Donate/ Support Our Mission

It is the goal of OWL once possible to offer a recovery assistant program. This would provide assistance to families to help return lost person from greater distances where financially it could be difficult for them to do without support.

How it Works

See what's included in the app

Please share your feedback with us

Tell us about your experiences and opinions of this new app. Send us your feedback on the contact page below.
Thank you in advance

OWL - Once Was Lost Inc

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